A positive and uplifting atmosphere can set the tone for your stay which is why we employ outgoing and friendly professionals to create social programs and activities. Our activities are specialized to match your capabilities and needs as we know this has a powerful impact on the healing process.
You will be given a calendar to keep you informed of upcoming events such as birthday parties, movies, musical programs, outings, and other special events.
Specific activities can include:
- Halloween, Thanksgiving Christmas, and New Year’s Parties
- Arts and crafts
- Religious meetings, chaplain visits, and bedside ministry
- Coffee and ice cream socials
- Interactive games
- Ipad games
- Movie watch parties
- Exercise activities
- Visits from music and other entertainment groups
- Pet visitation
Activities during COVID:
- Music cart
- Activity packets
- Facetime visits for family
- Window visits
- Family car parades
- Coffee/hot chocolate social by cart
- Snack/ice cream cart
Thanksgiving Festivities Include:
Hosting a holiday meal all together with 1-2 family members per resident. We provide treats and exchange stories. During COVID, families were able to set up outside appointments as well as have facetime meals with their loved ones.
Christmas Festivities Include:
For Christmas we typically have numerous groups come to the facility including carolers, jubilation singers, and other entertainment that we would host in our activities room. We also provided the residents with a Christmas party, arts and crafts, and presents! During COVID, groups will come in and carol outside of the facility. We are also inviting families to do an outside Christmas parade as well as facetime calls. Presents will still be distributed to residents.